About Me

Hey there,

Just wanted to show you a little snapshot of me and my family.

First and foremost, I’m a child of God. That’s not a status I’ve earned or deserved, it simply was given to me when I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Savior, the One who died and paid for my sin on the cross.

“But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God,” John 1:12

After that, I’m a wife, who is blessed to have a wonderful, godly husband, and I’m also privileged to be “Mom” to six unique and awesome kids.

God gave my kids an interesting mix of personalities, strengths and weaknesses, and with two of them, the added challenge of mental illness.

In my limited sphere of life, I had never seen any family struggling with mental illness (although I knew an extended family member who took medication for mental problems) but I never saw the seeds of illness in someone, then the growth and devastating manifestation of illness when uncontrolled.

God, in His mercy and grace, carried us through the darkest nights and gave us hope. Those years of intense trial are in the past, but mental illness is lifelong and still effects the lives of our children, our family, and now, their families.

As I share some of our experiences, let me emphasize that our experiences are unique to our family. Also, let me stress, that I am NOT an authority of any kind! I am just one individual with one life story.

Well, that should give you a bit of a picture of the person behind the words.

God bless you!
